Stores a copy of keyring
Adds a copy of the wallet to the primary keyring
Creates an identity in the wallet with the given ID in the primary keyring
The identity is bound to one chain ID to encourage using different keypairs on different chains.
All identities of the primary keyring
Get identities of the wallet with the given ID in the primary keyring
Gets the local label of one of the identities in the wallet with the given ID in the primary keyring
Checks if an identity exists in the wallet with the given ID in the primary keyring
Example usage
This allows you to detect which accounts of an HD wallet have been created. Pseudocode
identityExists("m/44'/234'/0'") == true
identityExists("m/44'/234'/1'") == true
identityExists("m/44'/234'/2'") == true
identityExists("m/44'/234'/3'") == false
// Shows that identities with account indices 0–2 have been created.
Exposes the secret data of a wallet in a printable format for backup purposes.
The format depends on the implementation and may change over time, so do not try to parse the result or make any kind of assumtions on how the result looks like.
Assigns a label to one of the identities in the wallet with the given ID in the primary keyring
Sets the label of the wallet with the given ID in the primary keyring
Signs a transaction using the profile's primary keyring. The transaction's creator field specifies the keypair to be used for signing.
Stores this profile in an open database. This will erase all other data in that database.
the target database
a password or derivation key used for encryption
Derives an encryption key from the password. This is a computationally intense task that can take many seconds.
Use this function to cache the encryption key in memory.
Set this if you got a UnexpectedFormatVersionError. This error usually means a profile was encrypted with an older format version.
Generated using TypeDoc
All calls must go though the UserProfile. A newly created UserProfile is unlocked until lock() is called, which removes access to private key material. Once locked, a UserProfile cannot be unlocked anymore since the corresponding storage is not available anymore. Instead, re-create the UserProfile via the UserProfileController to get an unlocked UserProfile.