A printable block ID in a blockchain-specific format.
In Lisk, this is a uint64 number like 3444561236416494115 and in BNS this is an upper hex encoded 20 byte hash like 6DD2BFCD9CEFE93C64C15439C513BFD61A0225BB. Ethereum uses 0x-prefixed hashes like 0x4bd6efe48bed3ea4fd25678cc81d1ed372bb8c8654c29880889fed66130c6502
Information attached to a signature about its state in a block
Used to differentiate a blockchain. Should be alphanumeric or -_/ and unique
An integer in the safe integer range
A printable transaction ID in a blockchain-specific format.
In Lisk, this is a uint64 number like 3444561236416494115 and in BNS this is an upper hex encoded 20 byte hash like 3A0DB99E82E11DBB9F987EFCD04264305C2CA6F2. Ethereum uses 0x-prefixed hashes like 0xce8145665aa6ce4c7d01aabffbb610efd03de4d84785840d43b000e1b7e785c3
a type guard to use in the swap-based queries
a type guard to use in the swap-based queries
a type guard to use in the swap-based queries
a type guard to use in the swap-based queries
Compares two objects that conform to the PubkeyBundle interface for equality.
This can also be used to compare pairs of derived types in which case all non-PubkeyBundle fields are ignored.
the left hand side of the comparison
the right hand side of the comparison
Generated using TypeDoc
A codec specific address encoded as a string